To view player levels, please register for free here.


Email address:Password:

If you need to register first or you can't remember your password then please follow this link or use the 'Login/Join' link at the top of the page.

Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 31-Mar-2025. 17 days remaining. Matches played: 0.

Contact the organiser with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionNameClub Level Log in for
contact details
1Mark Gorman Ashbourne9XX   0
2Richard Kingdon Ashbourne Squash Club6XX   0
3Patrick Langley Burton3XXX   0
4James Archer Ashbourne1XXX   0

Box 2

PositionNameClub Level Log in for
contact details
1John Holt *Ashbourne Squash Club9XX   0
2Sven Rowen *Ashbourne1XXX   0
3Ian Fotheringham *Bridge of Allan9XX   0
4Edward Hall *Ashbourne Squash ClubTBD   0

Box 3

PositionNameClub Level Log in for
contact details
1Matt Downes *Ashbourne8XX   0
2Ross Bryant *4XX   0
3James Ellis *TBD   0
4John Machell *6XX   0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 7Peter Fox  917
 7Michelle Doran  593
 7Neil Ellis  950
 7John McFall  709
 8Ewen Tanner  2070
 8Paul Doran  1192
 8Penny Tanner  439
 8Matthew Downes  TBD
 8Jason Taylor  TBD
 8Jayne Ingram  539
 8Tom Machell  1755
 8Neil Ellis  675
 8Chris Hallam  1030
 8Rebecca Avis  382
 10Sameer Hussain  TBD
 10Sean Oliver  TBD
 13Henry Vernon  750

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