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Cookie Policy

Last update: September 2024.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small file that is stored on your device that allows us to remember you and record your preferences. When created, each cookie is sent from our server to your browser and stored on your computer, tablet or mobile device. Your cookies are then sent back to our server as part of each page request so that we can see them, remember you and take your preferences into account.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to personalise your experience:

  • Essential cookies needed to run the site and keep you logged on. Without these, the site will not function properly for you.
  • Tracking cookies used in conjunction with third parties such as Facebook, Google and Snigel which allow us to measure the usage of our website and provide you with a more personalised experience. You can enable/decline the use of these cookies via the consent pop-up provided by Snigel when you first visit our website. You can review their privacy and cookie policy here.

Essential cookies

BaDSquashPersistKeeps you logged in until you actively log out
BaDSquashIDThe ID of your session
BaDSquashDampingRecords your preference on the rankings showing damped levels
BaDSquashDefaultXxxxRecords your preferences for the rankings filters
BaDSquashHideSquashSkillsRecords whether you want to see the SquashSkills tests or not
BaDSquashInfoTypeRecords what chart types you prefer to see
BaDSquashLeagueTypeRecords the last league you looked at
BaDSquashNewsDatetimeRecords when you last looked at the news page so we only show you updates
BaDSquashNotificationClosed_xxxxRecords that you have closed a blue banner message
BaDSquashChartsRecords that your browser is able to display charts
BaDSquashCookiesOKRecords that you have accepted our use of cookies
BaDSquashInitialStyleThe page scaling used for your browser window. These window sizing cookies help us scale the content in your browser.
BaDSquashPageWidthRecords your browser page width
BaDSquashScreenSizeRecords your browser page dimensions
BaDSquashSiteDBThe database you are currently using
BaDSquashSiteMayaModeRecords that you have moved over to the new site
BaDSquashSiteModeThe mode of the site. SquashLevels supports a number of modes from the same code base.
BaDSquashVisitorRecords that you are not a robot
BaDSquashWallModeTOThe timeout used for wall mode (which is for a wall mounted tablet at your club)
SquashlevelsJWTSecure token to authenticate your access to the site
XSRF-TOKENUsed to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF or CSRF) attacks
laravel_sessionFor maintain the user's session on the new platform
panoramaId*Used in conjunction with the user's session
Mailchimp cookiesWe use Mailchimp/Mandrill to send our email