To view player levels, please register for free here.
Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 21-Apr-2025. 35 days remaining. Matches played: 36.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level AFMOAEHMGCAW Points 
1Adam Flanigan 5XXX  3  5
2Matt Owen 5XXX 3   5
3Alexander Edge 4XXX 2   3
4Harry Mander 6XXX0    1
5George Coo 4XXX     0
6Alex Wood 6XXX     0

Box 2

PositionName Level JRCDDBLHCMTO Points 
1Jack Robinson 3XXX     0
2Courtney Downing 4XXX     0
3Dan Busby 6XXX     0
4Leonie Holt 4XXX     0
5Chetan Modi 5XXX     0
6Tom O'Sullivan 3XXX     0

Box 3

PositionName Level CMSWMBRSNAMH Points 
1Conor Mahony 3XXX     0
2Stephen Walter 4XXX     0
3Matt Buckham 3XXX     0
4Rebecca Symmons 3XXX     0
5Nick Adams 3XXX     0
6Mat Holt *4XXX     0

Box 4

PositionName Level OHMCSMJEMAIB Points 
1Oliver Hoare 2XXX3    5
2Mark Collins 2XXX1    2
3Steve Morgan 2XXX     0
4Jacob Ellis 2XXX     0
5Mike Abbott 2XXX     0
6Isobel Beynon-Cobb 2XXX     0

Box 5

PositionName Level AMTWRNSBNHPD Points 
1Aimee McConnell 2XXX     0
2Tom Williams 3XXX     0
3Rob Nussey 3XXX     0
4Sam Blundell 2XXX     0
5Nichola Howell-Manning 2XXX     0
6Pierre-Louis Ducroix 2XXX     0

Box 6

PositionName Level LPDBNSRMSKSS Points 
1Lawrence Plant 1XXX3    5
2Dan Bradbury 1XXX2    3
3Nick Sibly 2XXX     0
4Ryan McFall 1XXX     0
5Sarah Knott 1XXX     0
6Sophie Sawyer 2XXX     0

Box 7

PositionName Level LBJOMGWSTRDS Points 
1Luke Bloodworth 1XXX03   6
2Jolyon Olivier 1XXX3    5
3Matt Gibbins 1XXX0    1
4William Stewart 1XXX     0
5Tim Rogers 1XXX     0
6Darren Sharpe 1XXX     0

Box 8

PositionName Level JCJSLADHDHAF Points 
1Joe Cooney 1XXX     0
2Joe Starbuck 1XXX     0
3Leon Armston *5XXX     0
4Duncan Harper 1XXX     0
5Dale Harper 1XXX     0
6Andy Fleming 1XXX     0

Box 9

PositionName Level RMDKRHSSPRDL Points 
1Ross Mander 1XXX     0
2Dean Kimbrell 1XXX     0
3Ross Harrison *2XXX     0
4Sahil Singh 1XXX     0
5Paul Robinson 1XXX     0
6David Longman 1XXX     0

Box 10

PositionName Level RTJSSWGRGDRM Points 
1Rob Thompson 1XXX3    5
2Jack Stephens 1XXX2    3
3Sam Walton 9XX     0
4Gavin Reynolds 1XXX     0
5Gareth Davies 8XX     0
6Richard Mazurek 9XX     0

Box 11

PositionName Level JBJFTCJVICNS Points 
1James Barnes 9XX2    3
2James Fewkes 1XXX2    3
3Taliesin Crook 8XX     0
4James Vallance 7XX     0
5Iain Colledge 8XX     0
6Nathan Seneviratne 7XX     0

Box 12

PositionName Level JAMMCEMLLPMK Points 
1John Austin 8XX3    5
2Martin Morris 8XX1    2
3Charlie Evans 8XX     0
4Mark Lant 1XXX     0
5Lawrence Panter 8XX     0
6Matthew Kirtland 7XX     0

Box 13

PositionName Level MWGLPCAMDHTL Points 
1Matt Weaver 7XX3    5
2Ginny Lee 6XX1    2
3Paul Cotran 7XX     0
4Avinash Mathapati 8XX     0
5David Heydon 7XX     0
6Timothy Layton 6XX     0

Box 14

PositionName Level SSMKSBJSAMJK Points 
1Sohail Singh 6XX     0
2Mayank Kharbanda 4XX     0
3Sebastien Barth 6XX     0
4John Simmons-Powell 6XX     0
5Alan Mothersdale 5XX     0
6John Kendell 5XX     0

Box 15

PositionName Level JTIAPETHSJAC Points 
1Josh Terry 4XX23   8
2Ivor Annetts 5XX3    5
3Paul Evans 5XX1    2
4Tom Harper 9XX     0
5Stu Jones 6XX     0
6Andrew Cooper 5XX     0

Box 16

PositionName Level TSFNSRMBHKJC Points 
1Tibor Szolnoki 6XX     0
2Fergus Norrie 4XX     0
3Salv Rizzo 5XX     0
4Mike Bridge 5XX     0
5Harris Kirtland 4XX     0
6Jon Chambers 5XX     0

Box 17

PositionName Level JCPCWHCPJLOA Points 
1Julian Cooke 5XX3    5
2Paul Crawford 3XX1    2
3William Hodges 5XX     0
4Charlotte Pickering 6XX     0
5Jackie Lindsay 3XX     0
6Oliver Alves 5XX     0

Box 18

PositionName Level OFEBSHCWCSCA Points 
1Ollie Fewtrill 4XX  33 10
2Edward Bannister 4XX 3   5
3Sally Hodgkinson 4XX 2   3
4Christopher Ward 3XX1    2
5Christopher Speers 3XX0    1
6Charlie Askew 3XX     0

Box 19

PositionName Level PHBMHDSHOF Points 
1Paul Hiatt 3XX3   5
2Brian Mackie 3XX2   3
3Harry Downing 2XX    0
4Sam Hanson 4XX    0
5Oli Field 3XX    0

Box 20

PositionName Level JWGHMHNCLNAL Points 
1Joe Waugh 3XX3    5
2Gordon Hayes 3XX2    3
3Maxine Holt 3XX     0
4Neil Clarke 3XX     0
5Lisa Nowak 3XX     0
6Adrian Lewis 3XX     0

Box 21

PositionName Level HCTCBLJHSMSN Points 
1Heidi Cross 4XX3    5
2Tom Courtenay-Evans 2XX1    2
3Ben Lucking 3XX     0
4John Hale 3XX     0
5Stephen Morris 3XX     0
6Stephen Newton 3XX     0

Box 22

PositionName Level AWJCASDBRMTV Points 
1Andy White 2XX3    5
2Jon Croxford 2XX1    2
3Anthony Speight 2XX     0
4Daniel Brittain 5XX     0
5Rory McMeekan 3XX     0
6Toby Ventress 3XX     0

Box 23

PositionName Level CMJWGMUYEMGJ Points 
1Colin Murray 3XX3    5
2Jack Whatling 2XX0    1
3Guy Mander 2XX     0
4Umut Yuksel 2XX     0
5Elena Makris 2XX     0
6Grant Jackson 2XX     0

Box 24

PositionName Level RDRVRMTHDMCM Points 
1Riz Din 2XX2013 11
2Robert Volpe 2XX3  3 10
3Robert Matthews 2XX3    5
4Tom Hyland 2XX3    5
5David MacFadyen 2XX00   2
6Chris Morton 2XX     0

Box 25

PositionName Level JGCAAMSFJBJF Points 
1Joseph Gray 2XX3    5
2Chris Ashberry 2XX2    3
3Anouk Modi 2XX     0
4Simon Frost 2XX     0
5James Bowles 1XX     0
6Jason Falcus 2XX     0

Box 26

PositionName Level GSMSJBDSNHHDID Points 
1Gabor Szulyovszky 1XX3    5
2Martin Smith 1XX1    2
3Jose Bento Da Silva 1XX     0
4Nick Hiorns 1XX     0
5Hannah Davis 1XX     0
6Ian Davis 1XX     0

Box 27

PositionName Level BDSHMMOSMPNS Points 
1Bryn Davies 1XX3    5
2Sophie Hyland 1XX0    1
3Margarita Makris 1XX     0
4Omar Shinawi *2XX     0
5Myra Price 1XX     0
6Neil Selby 1XX     0

Box 28

PositionName Level DKJGSBJTJEAP Points 
1Dominic Keenan 2XX     0
2John Gilmour 1XX     0
3Stuart Brill 2XX     0
4James Tolley *1XX     0
5Jack Edwards 1XX     0
6Alan Peters 1XX     0

Box 29

PositionName Level MWEBJGECIWAMS Points 
1Martin Whitworth 1XX3    5
2Ed Bainbridge 1XX2    3
3James Glover 1XX     0
4Ethan Charsley 1XX     0
5Ian Western 1XX     0
6Alex M Smith 1XX     0

Box 30

PositionName Level TPMBMMNJZBJJ Points 
1Tracey Pickering 1XX     0
2Michael Bradshaw 1XX     0
3Moksh Mathapati 1XX     0
4Noah Jones 1XX     0
5Zack Bramley 1XX     0
6Jenna Jack 1XX     0

Box 31

PositionName Level TKTHASKSLMIS Points 
1Tristan King 1XX3 3  10
2Thomas Heydon 1XX23   8
3Andy Strain 1XX 0   1
4Kevin Smyth 1XX0    1
5Luca Martinengo 1XX     0
6Imogen Sibly 9X     0

Box 32

PositionName Level ASJBWDCAMBL Points 
1Andrew Sullivan 8X    0
2Jenson Bradbury 9X    0
3Will Dennis 1XX    0
4Colin Andrew Marklew 1XX    0
5Buster Lowe 8X    0

Box 33

PositionName Level CHHWEFCTSKBB Points 
1Connor Heydon 1XX33   10
2Hatty Walker 1XX2    3
3Erica Frost 8X1    2
4Cameron Taylor 7X     0
5Stephanie Kirtland 7X     0
6Barnie Bett *8X     0

Box 34

PositionName Level SBRGACWMFA Points 
1Scarlett Baker 6X3   5
2Ruby Gobi 3X0   1
3Angel Carballo 8X    0
4Wiem Melki 5X    0
5Florencia Azar TBD    0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 37Shaurya Verma  3460
 186Neil Perry  158
 190Joe Robbins  130
 190Gareth Freeman  103
 191Isak Lowe  144
 192Jack Weston  81
 192Nick Martiny Roberts  95
 193Rory Sparkes  121
 194Ryan Gorton  104
 194Sam Jones  3138
 194Gary Neal  1525
 194Jon Brind  775
 194Rob Pelter  651
 194Mark Lavelle  321
 194Richard Lonsdale  522
 194Jason Ventress  407
 194Sam Evans  2385
 194Kevin Mooney  126
 197Gethin Davies  56
 198Matt Le Grice  667
 198Leanne Ganley  350
 198David Boothroyd  4785
 198Ben May  1865
 198Daniel Stone  1305
 198Craig Heath  393
 200Pavlos Kavouras  39
 200Oliver Went  1067
 200Mark Taylor  2530
 200Douglas Holden  458
 200Ed Gilford  826
 200Gloria Fatusin  69
 200Jonny Mothersdale  1578
 200Jagdish Bains  793
 200Ivano Di Marco  2924
 200Ralph Evans  78
 200Dan Haggarty  10135
 200Jac Goodall  2783
 200Shashank Gupta Rakesh  299
 202Joshua Hyde  537

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