To view player levels, please register for free here.
Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 30-Mar-2025. 17 days remaining. Matches played: 8.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Jet Shoker 2XXX3   6
2Luke Harby 1XXX0   1
3Mark Linieres 1XXX    0
4Joshua Underwood 4XXX    0
5Joseph Underwood 2XXX    0

Box 2

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Krishna Yathiraj 1XXX3    6
2Richie Robinson 9XX0    1
3Gavin Hambrook *3XXX     0
4Simon Yates 1XXX     0
5Scott Underwood 1XXX     0
6Mike Broadbent 2XXX     0

Box 3

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Anesh Patel 7XX3   5
2Mark Smith 6XX1   2
3Richard J Smith 1XXX    0
4Dean Bailey 2XXX    0
5Phil Hackett 6XX    0

Box 4

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Oliwier Kaczkowski 1XXX    0
2Andrew Carter-Gates 7XX    0
3James Rowe 8XX    0
4Tim Hughes 1XXX    0
5Jonathan Beadle 9XX    0

Box 5

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Kev Purchase 6XX3   5
2Alan Ingram 4XX1   2
3Richard Smith 7XX    0
4Robert Mackay 4XX    0
5Nikolay Dimov 6XX    0

Box 6

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Stuart Thornton *5XX    0
2Dan Clarke 4XX    0
3Darryl Felstead 2XX    0
4Elliot Bayley 3XX    0
5Jamie Mutton 5XX    0

Box 7

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Bimal Barchha 1XX3   6
2Chris Leach 1XX0   1
3Kyle Rynhoud 2XX    0
4Dimo Dimov 2XX    0
5Emily Ames 2XX    0

Box 8

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Masimba Chidziva 6XX33  10
2Alfie Johnson 6XX2   3
3Adam Barrick 2XX0   1
4Ross Condon 2XX    0
5James Coney 1XX    0

Box 9

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Matt Richards 2XX3   6
2Consolata Macha 6X0   1
3Jane Broadbent 1XX    0
4Alice Rice 8X    0
5Matt Sharpe TBD    0

Box 10

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Alexa St Clair 5X    0
2Laura Couse *7X    0
3Tara Bishop 4X    0
4Louise St Clair TBD    0
5Sarah Walker 9X    0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 14Chris Agg  2644
 14Joe O'Neill  1267
 14Harrison Waterson  3517
 14Toby Westall  2292
 25Ali Hewitt  1626
 26Sarah Parkins  549
 27Craig Bramley  489
 32Remy Duval  508
 34John Ratcliff  328
 35Ismail Hodaiby  366
 35Jake Boykew  203
 35Adam Clark  215
 38James Parkins  206
 38Ross Simpson  205
 45Mark Hunt  278
 45James Cancea  592
 45Tasmin Kelly  350
 46Thomas Hill  190
 48Alan Woodhams  178
 48Estelle Hatt  120
 48Mia Piir  59

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