To view player levels, please register for free here.
Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 31-Mar-2025. 17 days remaining. Matches played: 29.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Dave Evans 1XXX 3   6
2Alasdair Blundell 2XXX 3   5
3James Morton 1XXX01   3
4Tom Keen 3XXX     0
5Chris Sargent 2XXX     0
6Dan Burton 2XXX     0

Box 2

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Simon Turner 1XXX33  9
2Steve Ward 1XXX13  6
3Benjamin Morton 1XXX22  6
4Richard Fogarty 1XXX   23
5Paul Shaw 1XXX   23

Box 3

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Richard Gordon 9XX3   6
2James Hinde 7XX0   1
3Mark Bird 1XXX    0
4David Freeston 1XXX    0
5Jamie Anthony 9XX    0

Box 4

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Martin Twiste 8XX330 11
2Ben Gandhi 7XX21 311
3Gareth Hesslegrave 7XX03 310
4Kate Taylor 1XXX3   6
5Robert Higgins 6XX 02 4

Box 5

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Clare Broadbent 8XX3   6
2Ben Wade 5XX0   1
3Corin Smith 7XX    0
4Gary Morrison *8XX    0
5Sameh Ahmed 7XX    0

Box 6

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Gary Fitzsimons 4XX3  39
2Gary Evans 4XX112 7
3Ben Greenfield 6XX 3  5
4Steve Husdan 5XX 3  4
5Steven Burnett 5XX2   3

Box 7

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Nick Peters 5XX33  9
2John Goodstadt 4XX2   3
3Carl Bucknor 4XX1   2
4Chris Fisher 5XX    0
5Oliver Greenway 3XX    0

Box 8

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Alan Hey 3XX 33 11
2Barry Pryme 3XX 3  4
3John Cleary 2XX02  4
4Nick Peirson 2XX1   2
5Alexander Clout 3XX    0

Box 9

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Simon Whittle 2XX 3  6
2Thomas Bolton 3XX 3  6
3Dan Scanlon 1XX00  2
4Daniel Wilford 2XX    0
5John Dillon *4XX    0

Box 10

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Avanish Kumar 1XX23   9
2Somshekar Ganti 2XX3    4
3Peter Burke 1XX0    1
4Isaac Hesslegrave 2XX     0
5Lewis Proctor *4XX     0
6Asad Aizad *3XX     0

Box 11

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Darren Walker 2XX  3  6
2Stuart Rogerson 1XX 3   5
3Andrew Holsgrove 1XX 1   2
4Dave Croucher 1XX0    1
5Priyesh Patel *2XX     0
6Emily Bullen *9X     0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 7John Palmer  1863
 9Shaun Jackson  1873
 11James Wrigley  4430
 11Sam Allen  3410
 11Jeff Hurst  1194
 11Jake Coomber-Moore  2555
 11Phil Saunders  4224
 16Luke Anderson  1519
 16Jack Parkin  1486
 16Calvin Rose  834
 20Matthew Drogie  1738
 20Phil Colville  768
 20Simon Leventhal  802
 20Paul Misselbrook  1589
 21Mark Johnstone  932
 26Matthew Whitehurst  1109
 27Simon Hood  691
 34Jonathan Plant  642
 34Jake Alderson  442
 34Jack Vernon  698
 34Andy Morris  471
 45Emma Lucas  315
 49Safiya Reza  206
 57Daniel Hassell  123
 57Alan Whitehurst  280
 58Lisa Provan  134
 59Carolyn Trembath  177
 59Karen Lau  69
 59Luke Hargreaves  82

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