To view player levels, please register for free here.
Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 1-Apr-2025. 19 days remaining. Matches played: 40.

Contact with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level MCCSRFTWGB Points 
1Martin Clark 8XXX   33
2Chris Salter 4XXX    0
3Raif Fontanelli 3XXX    0
4Tom Woods 5XXX    0
5Guy Banister 3XXX0   0

Box 2

PositionName Level JWADMLWGHJC Points 
1Jordan Weller 1XXX3   3
2Amaury De Moor 1XXX1   1
3Luan Woods 8XXX    0
4George Holbourn 1XXX    0
5James Costello 1XXX    0

Box 3

PositionName Level EGHWLSLWRP Points 
1Ethan Gawley 1XXX    0
2Harrison Wadhams *2XXX    0
3Luke Seymour 1XXX    0
4Lois Woods 1XXX    0
5Rob Phelps 1XXX    0

Box 4

PositionName Level TMJTDCJWSA Points 
1Toby Murrell 1XXX3   3
2Jason Taylor 9XX1   1
3Damien Cassin 1XXX    0
4Jim Williams 1XXX    0
5Steve Austin 9XX    0

Box 5

PositionName Level MDCVZCYRGDW Points 
1Matt Downard 1XXX  3 3
2Christo Van Zyl 1XXX  3 3
3Charlie Young 1XXX  3 3
4Ross Garavand 8XX000 0
5Dean Wood 8XX    0

Box 6

PositionName Level SWMDCSCHLW Points 
1Sam Whitmey 7XX 3 36
2Matthew Dutton 6XX  3 3
3Chris Scott 5XX2   2
4Chris Harris 5XX 0  0
5Laura Woods 4XX0   0

Box 7

PositionName Level SHAKKSGMAB Points 
1Sion Harrington 6XX13  4
2Alex Kent 5XX3   3
3Kevin Slack 6XX1   1
4Grant Murphy 6XX    0
5Aaron Brown 3XX    0

Box 8

PositionName Level ABHTAHHFSW Points 
1Ashley Beukes 4XX3   3
2Hannah Taylor 3XX1   1
3Andy Holbourn *4XX    0
4Harlee Finucane 3XX    0
5Shane Wilson 4XX    0

Box 9

PositionName Level CGHJSFLGGK Points 
1Casey Greene 4XX   33
2Harriet Juby 3XX  3 3
3Simon Fudge 5XX    0
4Lee Goldfinch 2XX 0  0
5Graham Kite 2XX0   0

Box 10

PositionName Level STMFCKJBRP Points 
1Stewart Tossell 3XX  3 3
2Matt Fender 3XX    0
3Christian Kelly *4XX    0
4Jack Brown 2XX0   0
5Richard Penny 2XX    0

Box 11

PositionName Level TGAGIHMCPT Points 
1Terry Greenwood 3XX 3339
2Alex Green 3XX 33 6
3Ian Hudson 2XX203 5
4Marisa Coulson 2XX001 1
5Polly Thomas 2XX0   0

Box 12

PositionName Level CGMSJBTBNJ Points 
1Calin Gogerly 2XX133 7
2Matthew Shave 3XX3   3
3Joe Back 1XX1   1
4Turtle Barnes 1XX0   0
5Nathan Jones 2XX    0

Box 13

PositionName Level HWAGMSAFSJ Points 
1Harvey Willy 1XX 3  3
2Alex Gray 1XX 3  3
3Martina Stevens 1XX02  2
4Ashley Ferguson 1XX    0
5Steve Jeffery 1XX    0

Box 14

PositionName Level NMCDOFMGLS Points 
1Neil Mace 1XX023 5
2Cameron Donaldson 1XX3   3
3Oliver Furlong 1XX3   3
4Michelle Guile 1XX2   2
5Luca Stevens 1XX    0

Box 15

PositionName Level LPAWGSDJRJ Points 
1Luke Potter 1XX3   3
2Abby Winfield 1XX1   1
3Giorgiana Stevens 1XX    0
4Daniel Judd 1XX    0
5Rowan Jackson 1XX    0

Box 16

PositionName Level NSDDCVZCCHMHS Points 
1Noel Stockdale 1XX   336
2Daisy Dutton 9X 013 4
3Caitlin Van Zyl 1XX 3   3
4Cooper Clark 1XX 3   3
5Harry Maule 8X02   2
6Harry Stew 1XX1    1

Box 17

PositionName Level ETJCBBJHEEJW Points 
1Ella Thomas 1XX233  8
2Joe Crossley 1XX3    3
3Bob Broderick 1XX0    0
4Jon Heath 7X0    0
5Emma Elgar 6X     0
6Jack Whelan TBD     0

Box 18

PositionName Level JRVFBWSDKGJG Points 
1Jess Roberts 1XX 3   3
2Victoria Fearn 7X 3   3
3Bianca Whitmey 6X01   1
4Scarlett Danaher-Sears 1XX     0
5Kieran Greene 1XX     0
6Jess Goldfinch 5X     0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 21Nick Laister  692
 21Matt Fearn  999
 21Jason Forster  1091
 33Tom Godfrey  680
 35David Withington  493
 36Phil Smith  510
 36Luke Taylor  559
 48Greg Phelps  557
 49Rosie Cooper  341
 59Ben Mountford  275
 59John Sifleet  286
 62Nicola Kelly  293
 63Nigel Baker  175
 67Danny Little  133
 72Linda Alldis  141
 76Holly Smith  160
 77Terry Utting  178
 77Kevin Breakspear  101
 77Jim Utting  103
 77Hannah Roberts  109
 78Jesse Lawrence  149
 84Alison Kite  79
 89James Stock  104
 91Ben Wellfair  132
 91Thea Van Zyl  108
 91Jack Andrews  TBD
 92Jodie Murphy  51
 93Lindsey Nunn  35
 93Harrison Utting  71
 93Sarah Dutton  26

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