To view player levels, please register for free here.
Log in to view contact details and enter scores. You need to have access to these boxes.

Matches to be played on or before 22-Mar-2025. 6 days remaining. Matches played: 28.

Contact the organiser with any queries or if you want to join or leave the boxes next time. 

Box 1

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Tom Wilson 1XXX3 0 36
2Connor Braid 1XXX2   35
3Matt Drake 1XXX    33
4Martin Hawksworth Jr 2XXX3    3
5Tom Hastie 1XXX     0
6Bob Hughes 1XXX000  0

Box 2

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Paul Connell 1XXX 333 9
2Ben Howell 6XX 333 9
3Jonny Barker 7XX123309
4Lee Knox 5XX1121 5
5Andre Wolmarans 6XX0003 3
6John Braid 1XXX  3  3

Box 3

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Jonny Lonsdale 6XX03333315
2Mike Dennison 9XX3 233314
3James Leng 3XX1  3  4
4Andy Rix 7XX21    3
5Daniel Hodson 3XX101   2
6Gav Carter 6XX20    2
7Jonathan Webb 5XX00    0

Box 4

PositionName Level Log in for
contact details
1Jamie Pollard 2XX04   4
2Tim Welsh 4XX3    3
3Carl Inman 1XX1    1
4Vin Norman 2XX     0
5Robert Cavalleri *3XX     0
6Tom Sugden *3XX     0

If you have a '*' by your name it means you have not played enough games and will be removed from the boxes next time. After that you will appear in the list below. To remove the '*', just play a game!

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

Not playing (removed from this list after 6 months)

These players have been auto-dropped for not playing enough games. The admin can return them to the boxes, otherwise they will be auto-removed from this list after 6 months.

Players can always be added to boxes - just ask the admin!

 1Michael Barry  2599
 1Chris Dennison  2433
 1Tom Cleminson  3014
 2Carl Ramsden  2962
 12John Ludkin  597
 14Steve Ludkin  2213
 14Graham Wilson  1190
 19Eddie Heakin  798
 19Max Davidson  554
 21Calum Glenister  194
 21Matt Bailey  211
 23Paul Elvidge  347
 23Matt Jackson  309

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